2024 Reunions

Welcome back! Here are events that may be of interest to alumni. All times are US Eastern time.

Thursday, May 23

  • Alumni BBQ
    12 noon, 1912 Pavilion on Poe Field
    Reunions opens with the traditional welcome BBQ for Band alumni and undergraduates.
  • PUB Reunions Chinese dinner
    6 PM, Carl A. Fields Center (corner of Prospect & Olden)
    Join Band alumni for a Chinese food dinner, catered by Tiger Noodles.
  • P-Rade Marshalls Gig
    6:30 PM, Robertson Hall
    Undergraduate Band gig (alumni may join)
  • Assorted social events
    8:30 PM, Dod Basement and elsewhere
    After the Chinese dinner, groups of Band alumni and undergraduates typically go get ice cream, watch a movie, play some games, or get together for whatever else people want to organize. Watch email and Discord for details.

Friday, May 24

  • Alumni Council Luncheon Gig
    10:30 AM, Richardson Auditorium
    Undergraduate Band gig (alumni may join)
  • Class of '84 Gig
    12:10 PM, Poe Field
    Undergraduate Band gig (alumni may join)
  • Alumni Arch
    1:30 PM, Bloomberg Arch
    Band alumni, this is your time to make some noise! Bring or borrow an instrument and join in if you like, or feel free to cheer on the alumni band, listen, and take pictures.
  • 7th An(nu)al Hash House Harriers
    3 PM, Whitman Lawn (near Elm Drive & Baker Lane)
    Not exactly a Band event, but it's traditional to have a strong contingent of Band members and alumni at this 3-mile walk/jog/scavenger hunt around campus.
  • Class of '79 Gig
    6:45 PM, Palmer House
    Undergraduate Band gig (alumni may join)

Saturday, May 25

  • FOTB Annual Meeting
    9 AM, McCosh Hall, room 46 - new location
    The meeting will include an update from the undergraduates, a financial report, a presentation from the board of directors, and Q&A with the board and undergraduate president. A videoconferencing link will be distributed in advance by email and Discord for anyone not attending in person.
  • Fred Fox Memorial Concert
    11 AM, Cannon Green
    Band alumni gather to watch and cheer on the undergraduates as they perform in honor of Fred Fox '39. This is one of the centerpieces of the Band's Reunions schedule and probably the largest single gathering of Band alumni at any point during Reunions. Come join the audience!
  • Class of '99 Gig
    12:30 PM, Whitman Courtyard
    Undergraduate Band gig (alumni may join)
  • P-Rade
    1 PM, Richardson Auditorium
    This year the Band is making four trips through the P-Rade. Alumni are welcome and very much encouraged to join for any number of them. 1 PM is the call time at Richardson for those playing with the Band in the first run; the P-Rade itself starts at 2.
  • FOTB Tent
    1912 Pavilion - new location
    After the P-Rade, join undergraduates and alumni to close out the official portion of the Reunions schedule with food, photos, merch, and merriment!
  • Princeton University Orchestra Concert
    8 PM, Princeton Stadium

    Band alumni and undergraduates begin congregating during the orchestra concert preceding fireworks. Look for the plaid flag!
  • Reunions Fireworks
    9:15 PM, Princeton Stadium
    Join Band alumni and undergraduates in the crowd to watch the always-spectacular fireworks display. Look for the plaid flag!

Sunday, May 26

  • Haven Brunch
    11:30 AM (or come later), Hoagie Haven/behind the Friend Center
    Enjoy a hoagie (or your food of choice) and say goodbye to old and new friends at the final event of the Band Reunions schedule! Watch email and Discord for changes to time and location. 
As a Google Calendar, for your convenience: